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EveryBODY needs some help


(And we have some sweet prizes to thank you!)

EveryBODY on Stage will be creating a collection of resources for our community partners, educational institutions and theatre companies and we want to hear your experiences.

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We need your support to fund season 1!

Where is this money going? 

First and foremost, the goal is to compensate these performers for their talent and sharing their stories. 

Secondly, a portion of the funds raised will be used to pay for direct marketing across social media platforms targeting theatre producers, theatre companies and their audiences in an effort to promote these artists and start a grassroots movement towards a more inclusive arts community.

Producers will be credited on our website, receive a shout out on our social media, and get early access to the performances. 


Thank you to our producers!

The Bod Con Impact Grant

Susan Waycik

Lauren Carruthers

Lesley Breeze


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Growing up in 2021 is hard enough, so when you pile on society and social media’s unrealistic - not to mention filtered - projections of the “perfect body” it can feel like you’re drowning alone in a wave pool of never ending impossible expectations. That’s where the Student Body Support Network comes in.


The Student BODY Support Network is a safe space and resource hub for post-secondary students to share their BODY stories, make connections, hold teachers and administrators accountable for discrimination, and foster a larger cohort of strong, confident body-positive folk.


If we can change our schools, we can change out world.   To connect with other like-minded students in your program and across Canada fill out the form.

© 2024 EveryBODY on Stage

EveryBODY on Stage would like to acknowledging that the land on which we gather are on the traditional territory of many nations including the Mississaugas of the Credit, the Anishnabeg, the Chippewa, the Haudenosaunee and the Wendat peoples and is now home to many diverse First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples. The City also acknowledges that Toronto is covered by Treaty 13 signed with the Mississaugas of the Credit, and the Williams Treaties signed with multiple Mississaugas and Chippewa bands.  We are honoured to work and create on this land

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